Remember a while back when I wrote about wanting to make those Sin-amon morning muffins? Well, in an attempt to avoid studying for final last week I finally made them! I followed the recipe exactly, with the exception that I didn't have a muffin pan so I made them using my mini cupcake pan.
Andy loves them and has been popping them in all their one bite glory left and right. I think they're alright, but I am the pickiest eater you've ever met. (Seriously, I dare you to find someone pickier than me!) I think it's the nutmeg that I don't care for - too strong of a taste for me. And while I didn't take any photos, I assure you that they turned out just as cute as in the photo I saw online so if you're looking for an easy to make sweet I'd encourage you to give these a try.

Andy loves them and has been popping them in all their one bite glory left and right. I think they're alright, but I am the pickiest eater you've ever met. (Seriously, I dare you to find someone pickier than me!) I think it's the nutmeg that I don't care for - too strong of a taste for me. And while I didn't take any photos, I assure you that they turned out just as cute as in the photo I saw online so if you're looking for an easy to make sweet I'd encourage you to give these a try.

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