Thursday, August 26, 2010

The Grass is Always Greener

The struggle with my hair began at a young age. It's curly or wavy (depending on its mood), super thick, and frizzy. Despite my best efforts I feel like I can never get it to behave.

I entered the world with a full head of nearly black hair.
As a toddler my curls turned blonde.
Slowly my hair darkened and up until high school it refused to grow past my shoulders. Instead of growing down it grew out, into a big frizzy mess that I like to refer to as the mushroom or the Princess Leia look. It was bad - really, really bad. As horrible as the photo above is, much worse photos exist, I'm just not willing to share them! (Note: No kittens were harmed in the taking of this photo.)
Finally, in high school my hair started to grow, but I still wasn't happy with it. I bought my first hair straightener, but rarely used it. It took about an hour to use and within 30 minutes of stepping outside the humidity would cause it to turn into a complete mess, even worse than before!
During my freshman year of college Andy convinced me to try something new with my hair so I went to the salon and got over 10 inches cut off. I had a better straightener which I used more frequently, but my hair still had a hard time standing up to the high humidity.

I feel like I need to look a bit more polished and professional, but I just don't have the time or patience to spend an hour straighten my hair every morning. I finally decided to make an appointment to get the Brazilian keratin treatment done. I'm curious to see how straight it gets my hair, how long it lasts, and if it's worth the money. I'll be sure to post the verdict after I get it done!



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