Andy and I had a wonderful Thanksgiving with our families back home. We spent Thanksgiving day with my mom's side of the family. The last time I saw my cousin Emily was at Thanksgiving 3 years ago when she was pregnant with her son Luke. Since then she also had a baby girl named Lydia and I finally got to meet them both!
I also got to see my cousin Samantha's baby Wyatt again. I guess I really can't call him a baby anymore though since he's walking! I can't believe how much he's grown since I last saw him.
Friday afternoon we spent a little more time with Sam, Travis, and Wyatt out by the beach.
Friday evening we had dinner with my dad, stepmom, and sister, who is about to surpass me in terms of height and she's only 10 years old! This might not seem too surprising if I were short, but I'm 5'4"! I would have liked to have seen my grandma who usually joins us for dinner, but she's vacationing in North Carolina with my aunt.
On Saturday we did Thanksgiving with Andy's side of the family out in the country. As you can probably tell, it was a lot of running around for us! Thankfully we didn't have to split Thanksgiving day between two families, but it still felt rushed. We had to leave Saturday evening since I had 3 finals that week and needed to get home and study. Hopefully Christmas is a bit more relaxed since I have about a week off!

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