We heard from numerous people that we chose the perfect week to visit San Francisco since it had been cold and rainy before our arrival. Most days were cool and crisp - perfect for wearing a light jacket during the day and layering up as the sun disappeared. On Sunday we woke up to a dreary looking sky and felt a few sprinkles as we got into our car to go to the airport so it seemed like a good time to head home.
We chose to visit California for two reasons. First, for a fun vacation and anniversary getaway, which it definitely was. The second reason we chose California was because it is one of the places Andy would like us to consider living and I didn't want to make such a big move without having ever been there myself.
All in all it was a great trip! I feel more comfortable about the idea of moving there now that I've visited. It's still far from home and expensive, but the weather is nice, the people seemed friendly, and I love that you can have the best of both worlds - beach and mountains within a few hours of each other. So, while I'm not saying that we will move to California, it is within the realm of possibilities.

Just for comparison, above are graphs of the monthly highs and lows, with our current locale on the left and San Francisco on the right. San Francisco gets about 10-20 degrees cooler in the winter, but even in the coolest months the lows are still well above freezing. In the summer, it gets to be in the 90s here (it's currently 91 degrees and I feel like I just opened the oven door when I step outside), but it's in the 70's there! Oh, what I would give for 70 degree weather right now!

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