It works like this - I'm assigned a day and time when I must arrive to the clinic in professional attire, including white lab coat. I'm assigned to a room which is the first of four "stations". When I enter there is a "patient" already sitting in the chair and a doctor who is there to watch and grade my performance. The patients are all 1st and 3rd year optometry students. As soon as the buzzer sounds the door closes and I have 25 minutes to get through a specific set of procedures and exam elements. The doctor watches me, but doesn't speak. I'm graded on whether I covered everything, how well I explained the procedures to the patient, if I went in a smooth and orderly manner, and how accurate my results were. At the end of the 25 minutes I get 5 minutes to pack up my equipment and walk to an adjoining room where I have a whole new set of procedures to perform. It's a nerve wracking two hours, but by the end I'm so relieved it's over.
From what I hear, it'll be another two weeks before we get our scores back. Assuming I passed, I'll begin clinic orientation in the beginning of May and a week later I'll be seeing my first patients! It's hard to believe I've almost reached the halfway mark!

I like the new blog! Glad I get to catch up on my Landy news :)