I figured that since I moved over 3,000 miles from home I should get back into blogging as a way of staying in touch with family and friends. I can't believe how long it has been since I last updated, so much has changed! To hit the highlights:

- I finished up both of my externships (one of which I LOVED, the other...well, not so much).
- I took and passed parts II and III of my national boards (one of which required a flight to North Carolina).
- In early February, Andy flew to Ft. Lauderdale to help me pack and we shipped all of our things to Washington in a 6'x7'x8' shipping container.
- I flew out to Washington in mid-February for residency interviews and submitted my rankings. I matched with the VA hospital and will start my residency in July.
- In May we celebrated our 3 year anniversary, my birthday, and my graduation from optometry school!
- The day after graduation we flew out to Washington with Porter sleeping at our feet in the cabin.
Between being without my computer for over a week, getting settled, and working on what seems to be a never ending to do list I'm a bit behind on my photo editing. I'll be back posting photos as I get to them. Stay tuned!

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